About us
The history of our Preschool dates back to 1971 when the need for the service was recognised within the community. After 6 years of planning and meetings The Oaks Preschool was officially opened on 23rd April 1977 at the Anglican Church Hall. The teacher was Mrs Jan Gall with 6 children enrolled on the first day and 25 by the end of term 2.
The land where the Preschool currently stands was acquired from the Lands Department with the assistance of Wollondilly Council on a long term lease. The original Preschool building was the shell of the old Nattai Schoolhouse. Funds raised and time donated by parents and the community helped complete the current preschool over an 18 month period. The "new" Preschool building, catering for 25 children was officially opened on 4th November 1979, with further extensions (current Willow Room) underway in 1997 and completed in 1999.
Being a community based, not for profit Preschool, we are run by a management board, consisting of family members. Board members are voted in at an Annual General Meeting, generally held every March.
Preschool is a recipient of funding under the NSW Department of Education's Start Strong for Community Preschools program and fee relief for families of eligible children.

Currently Preschool is licensed to operate during NSW School Terms from 8.30-4pm Monday to Friday.
We cater for 39 children per day within 2 equal classrooms run be enthusiastic and highly qualified educators.

Rated Exceeding
Our Service is rated Exceeding the National Quality Standards.

Sunsmart Service
We follow the Sun Smart app to ensure we follow the recommendations for UV and suncream application

Sustainable Future
We educate towards a sustainable future with our composting, worm farms, produce mini market and vegetable gardens.

Munch and Move
We follow the munch and move program to ensure our children understand the fundamental benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Learn a new language
Through the Ella program we explore Italian language together with the help of our staff and families.

Healthy Eating
Through our vegetable gardens and fruit trees we encourage and provide education on healthy eating. We also participate in the Big Veggie Crunch on an annual basis.